Monday, November 10, 2008

So Many Leaves in late Fall!

The oak trees drop their leaves last.....and we have many of them in our yard. Sunday was a lovely, late fall day --- warm for this time of year. Here is J*lia out playing in the leaves in the front yard......


Anonymous said...

What great pictures! I love it when the leaves fall! I don't love raking the leaves!

Thanks for commenting on my blog! :o) Yes, we should all have a virtual celebration without a doubt! I finished my final essay so I am done with one class and now I have 8 2 page reports to finish by Thursday! AAAKKK and then one 8 page book report. Why? Why?

Loved your motto for the day! I am going to use!

Happy Holidays!

Malibugirl66 said...

"everything will be okay in the end.......if it's no okay, it's not the end"

LOL Jen. I have 2 papers - one not so bad, the other is: material I am not familiar with, horrible text book, professor whose English is not so good....

six to eight pages, due next monday....


Malibugirl66 said...

whose English is not so great.

apparently my English isn't so good either...

back to family ecology & the genogram...