Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Organic Farm Days

We joined Stearns Farm --- an organic community farm in Framingham. As members, we have to work a minimum of 12 hours during the season, and in return we get to pick up whatever is being harvested each week. This was our first pickup day -- last Friday. Pics are of Julia picking (and eating) strawberries, and playing on the swings at the farm........

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Long Time, No Blog

It isn't really that I don't have anything to report. Life is busy. Life is actually MORE than busy. It is very full. Mostly good. Some annoying. Some anxiety producing.
The summer is upon us. Kids are out of school next week. I can't believe it! I always feel like I should have the summer off too, no matter how many years I have been in the workforce. There is something about the academic schedule that just works!

Ben got his drivers license a few weeks ago. Yikes! He is eager for any chance to drive alone. Doesn't even mind running errands or going to pick up his siblings! Next week (June 21) he will fly to Atlanta BY HIMSELF and drive back to Boston with Frieda. She will enjoy the company, and some respite from the driving. And he is beyond excited.

Tim is busy with end-of-school projects and swimming. He is back on the Town Team and loving it. He really likes the cameraderie and competition with other towns. He is very much hoping for high honors this term --- stay tuned. Mostly he does have all A's, but his Language Arts grade was a bit tenuous.

Julia is in her full 8 1/2 year old glory! She is playing soccer, swimming, playing the violin, and doing a lot of just PLAYING.

As a family, I am looking for ways to continue to simplify our lives. Fewer activities, more down time, more outdoors time, less "stuff".........less money spent. I can be doing better! I have asked the kids to think about what they really LOVE to do, and pick only 1-2 things. We will do those. I think violin lessons will be out for Julia; probably guitar and voice for Tim -- maybe Shawmut. Ben only does piano and tae kwon do, but one of them might go as well. Simple, simple, simple. Less stuff, less money, more time.