Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Goodbye to Summer.....

Yup --- school is back in session today! I can hardly believe it. T started 8th grade, and J started 3d. B has another two weeks off, since he was in summer session all summer.

I put the younger two on the bus this morning. T wouldn't let me take pictures at the bus stop (he told me he was too old, and I should just be thankful for the first-day-of-school pictures I have up through 7th grade....) Got a picture of him in the house before he left, though ---- and some cute ones of J and her friend M as they waited for the bus.....

Last Gasp of Summer -- Canobie Lake

I had been promising this trip for a year. We finally made it to Can*bie Lake this week. Ben and Julia came --- Tim opted out because he doesn't really like the rides (he wanted to go to Wa*er Coun*ry instead...) It was CROWDED -- more crowded than I have ever seen -- but we had fun anyway. The last big event of the summer!

Happy Birthday Bupka!

Notice the unusual "melon cake"..........
Julia was helping to blow out the candles --- very thoughtful........
Julia and Bupka don't look anything alike, do they? LOL
We made the trip down to RI to celebrate my mother's (aka "Bupka") birthday on Monday. It was a long trip for a work day, but we had a good time. The cakes were interesting --- regular cake for most of us, and a very creative "melon" cake for my mom and her friend Sarah, who are on a special diet.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Growing Up

Ben Boarding the Plane for Atlanta
Dinner on the Way Home from Atlanta -- sushi-- yum!!!
Ben with his brand new friend at campe
Saying goodbye to mom (at music camp)
With his buddy at music camp on the very first day!

It seems like yesterday that Ben was in preschool and we were worrying about things like temper tantrum and potty training and would-he-ever-talk...... Now he is becoming quite the independent young man! This summer he has gotten his drivers' license, flown to Atlanta BY HIMSELF (!), driven home with Frieda, and gone away for a week to Berk*shire Hills M*usic Academy to study piano and voice. Big steps for a kid who was never supposed to be able to speak!!! I am very proud of all he has accomplished.