Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am so glad that my kids are still at an age where they can spend time just playing! This is Julia (almost 9) and her friend Joa (10) last weekend. They were at Joa's house and found an old box of dress-up clothes, which led to hours of outdoor imaginary play. FUN!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I watched some of the Republican National Convention last night. I saw part of Rudy Giuliani's rant, and then most of Sarah Palin. I think I was so horrified by her that I fell asleep. Not that she is a bad person. I am sure she is not. She is pretty and smart and accomplished and ambitious. She is probably a good mom (although I think her children are being exploited in this race). I admire her positive qualities, even though I disagree with her on just about every political issue. I might even enjoy having a conversation over a cup of coffee --- working mom to working mom, parent of disabled child to another parent of a disabled child.

I just can't believe she could end up being the next Vice President! No, no, no!! It's horrifying. And it is insulting to all of us that the Republican party thinks any old woman will attract the Hilary supporters. Oh, my. Do they think we will overlook the fact that she supports far-right, evangelical Christian, "anti family" values???? That she doesn't believe humans have anything to do with global warming? That she is alarmingly blase about environmental issues? That she is a member of the NRA? Oh, dear.

Well, there is good news here. I learned today that it would not be all that hard for me to move to Canada. I will qualify for "Skilled Worker" status and could move my family and get permanent resident status. I have always liked the Toronto area, and I hear Vancouver is nice as well.

Let's just see how this election goes..........

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Skunked!! (But I am not complaining....)

Annie --- look at all the fur!
But we love her....even when she gets skunked!

OK -- remember that last post? Just yesterday morning? About how lucky I am and how I won't be complaining any more......?

Fast forward to last night. Long day at work --- client meeting --- then delivered a chair to BU college student (he bought it from me on CraigsList and had no transportation.....) By the time I got on the Pike headed towards home it was 7:45. Cell phone rings and it is Timmy, who tells me he needs to go to ACMoore to get posterboard for a project -- due tomorrow. Grrr. "And - oh, by the way, Annie got sprayed by a skunk. Ha ha ha. Isn't that funny?"

Hilarious to a 13-year old. Not so funny to me.

Bless Frieda -- she took Tim out to ACMoore and went to PetCo in search of something to wash away skunk smell. No luck -- PetCo and PetSmart are both sold out. We are stuck with baby shampoo and tomato juice. One woman at the pet store tells Frieda that she had good luck with three baths --- shampoo, tomato juice (leave it on for several minutes), then shampoo again.

We will try this (while the kids finish their homework and peek through the windows...) Frieda and I on the porch with a very very smelly (nauseating), large (80 lb), long haired (beautiful double coated sheperd mix.....lots of hair...) dog who does NOT want to be washed. Annie is NOT happy.

Water (cold from a hose).....shampoo.......!!SHAKE!!! .....more scrubbing........!!!SHAKE!!! ....more water (cold!) and scrubbing.......!!SHAKE!!.......tomato juice -- pour and scrub .........(looks like blood running all over the deck.....)......wait and wait and wait.....!!SHAKE!!.......(now I am covered in tomato juice).....rinse.......shampoo.........scrub....!!SHAKE!!.....and rinse, rinse, rinse....... !!SHAKE! ! Finally dry off with towels.....

Annie still smells, but it is much better. We can let her into the house to sleep. Frieda and I are covered in tomato juice, soapsuds, and water.........oh, and some skunk oil. My hands smell.

I hear it takes about two weeks for the smell to dissipate.

But I am still not complaining. LOL

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Woke up this morning feeling a little sorry for myself.

Bummer -- have to go back to work after a (great) long weekend.
Bummer -- have to wear "big girl clothes" (aka a suit and heels) because I have a client meeting.
Bummer -- have to go to the medical office building and have bloodwork done before starting graduate school next week.
Bummer -- running late -- have to rush Julia out the door; barely shouted a "goodbye" to Ben & Frieda.
Bummer -- have to work for a living and figure out a budget so I can afford graduate school.

Nothing really wrong. These are inconveniences and luxury problems. But they didn't feel that way until I got to the MetroW*st Medical Center.

I had to go up to the doc's office and pick up a lab slip. Then down to the lab for a blood draw (making sure I had all my childhood immunizations before I can show my face on campus); then back to the doc's office where I got a tetanus booster and a TB test (I get to go back on Thursday to have it read -- yippee).

I was struck by all the people at the Medical Office Building who had real problems. The people in the waiting room at the pediatric oncologist's office; the elderly man who could barely stand - he was bent at the waist (arthritis?), but still held the door for me; the sleep disorders clinic; the hugely pregnant, very tired looking woman with two toddlers and an infant.......

I have no problems. It is a beautiful, sunny late summer day in New England. I am healthy, happy, have a beautiful family, a wonderful partner, great friends, work I can do that pays pretty well, coworkers I like, and a new and fun challenge on the horizon. It's all a great adventure.

I am not going to complain any more. At least for the rest of the day.