Thursday, September 4, 2008


I watched some of the Republican National Convention last night. I saw part of Rudy Giuliani's rant, and then most of Sarah Palin. I think I was so horrified by her that I fell asleep. Not that she is a bad person. I am sure she is not. She is pretty and smart and accomplished and ambitious. She is probably a good mom (although I think her children are being exploited in this race). I admire her positive qualities, even though I disagree with her on just about every political issue. I might even enjoy having a conversation over a cup of coffee --- working mom to working mom, parent of disabled child to another parent of a disabled child.

I just can't believe she could end up being the next Vice President! No, no, no!! It's horrifying. And it is insulting to all of us that the Republican party thinks any old woman will attract the Hilary supporters. Oh, my. Do they think we will overlook the fact that she supports far-right, evangelical Christian, "anti family" values???? That she doesn't believe humans have anything to do with global warming? That she is alarmingly blase about environmental issues? That she is a member of the NRA? Oh, dear.

Well, there is good news here. I learned today that it would not be all that hard for me to move to Canada. I will qualify for "Skilled Worker" status and could move my family and get permanent resident status. I have always liked the Toronto area, and I hear Vancouver is nice as well.

Let's just see how this election goes..........

1 comment:

Micki's Blog said...

I couldn't agree with you more about Palin. Sure, its fabulous that we live in a country where a woman and an African American could possible be the next VP or the next President of the most power country in the world, (it's about time) but Palin is for "conservative" family values. She does not believe that gays and lesbians should have the right to marry. She is loves the NRA and wants to drill in Alaska putting our natural land in jeopardy! Not to mention the war in Iraq. Her son joined the military and leaves for Iraq next week. How does that fit with modern America? This woman is clearly not ready to lead. I can't believe that the Republicans would think that other woman would vote for Palin just to say that a woman can and will be the FIRST woman in office? Gimme a break. Palin is Bush and McCain in a suit! Thanks for blogging about this!