Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Woke up this morning feeling a little sorry for myself.

Bummer -- have to go back to work after a (great) long weekend.
Bummer -- have to wear "big girl clothes" (aka a suit and heels) because I have a client meeting.
Bummer -- have to go to the medical office building and have bloodwork done before starting graduate school next week.
Bummer -- running late -- have to rush Julia out the door; barely shouted a "goodbye" to Ben & Frieda.
Bummer -- have to work for a living and figure out a budget so I can afford graduate school.

Nothing really wrong. These are inconveniences and luxury problems. But they didn't feel that way until I got to the MetroW*st Medical Center.

I had to go up to the doc's office and pick up a lab slip. Then down to the lab for a blood draw (making sure I had all my childhood immunizations before I can show my face on campus); then back to the doc's office where I got a tetanus booster and a TB test (I get to go back on Thursday to have it read -- yippee).

I was struck by all the people at the Medical Office Building who had real problems. The people in the waiting room at the pediatric oncologist's office; the elderly man who could barely stand - he was bent at the waist (arthritis?), but still held the door for me; the sleep disorders clinic; the hugely pregnant, very tired looking woman with two toddlers and an infant.......

I have no problems. It is a beautiful, sunny late summer day in New England. I am healthy, happy, have a beautiful family, a wonderful partner, great friends, work I can do that pays pretty well, coworkers I like, and a new and fun challenge on the horizon. It's all a great adventure.

I am not going to complain any more. At least for the rest of the day.

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