Thursday, July 9, 2009

Autism in Action

This is another video worth posting (link to youtube is ) 18-year old, autistic son performing at Frieda's Installation Ceremony (June 7 in Danvers). This is a kid who was not supposed to be able to learn to talk, according to the neurologist when he was three. He now drives, has passed the MCAS, works part time at Stop and Shop, plays the piano (obviously!) by ear and by reading music, is active in youth group, and is doing well in school. He is an all-around great kid!

The lyrics are posted below -- Mary Chapin Carpenter song called "Why Shouldn't We":

We believe in things that we cannot see
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

Hands that heal can set a chained man free
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

We believe in peace within every heart
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

Burning brightly, brightly in the dark
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

So come on darling feel your spirits rise
Come on children open up your eyes
God is all around Buddha's at the gate
Allah hears your prayers
It's not too late

And we believe in things that will give us hope
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

Let your voice be heard, celebrate your vote
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

We believe in things that make us all the same
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

Love belongs to all in deed and name
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

And we believe in things that can't be done
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

Lift up your heart, put down your gun
Why shouldn't we, why shouldn't we

We believe in things We're told that we cannot change
Why shouldn't we

We had heroes once, and we will again
Why shouldn't we

So come on darling
Come on children
God is all around,
Buddha's at the gate
Allah hears our prayers
It's not too late
Why shouldn't we

Again, here is the link:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A great race for Tim!

Tim had a terrific meet this weekend at UConn. He had a bunch of best times, and won several of his heats. Mostly, he just felt great about how he was swimming. This has been a wonderful year for him, swimming-wise. He is getting better and enjoying it so much.

This was his most spectacular race of the weekend -- a 200 meter Individual Medley. Tim is in Lane 3, the third from the top of the screen, wearing a red cap. Notice that he falls behind in the backstroke, but watch his recovery in the breaststroke and freestyle lengths!

I am very proud of all the effort and dedication he is putting in to his swimming --a very good kid all around.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Julia's Research Fair

Everything in Spanish! Wow!

Bailey and Julia discussing observations

Bailey and Julia with their project

So today was the Third Grade Research fair. Each class had a project, and different teams of students studied different aspects of the project. For example, Julia's class studied the pond ecosystem. They went across the street and gathered pond life (water, weeds, rocks, tadpoles, snails, insects, etc.) and created four aquariums. One aquarium they left alone (intact); in one, they removed all of the living things that are "decomposers" (clean up the dead stuff); in one, they removed all the rocks, sticks, and non-food items; in the fourth, they removed all of the pond plant life and replaced it with plant life from the forest (dirt, oak and maple leaves, grass, twigs, etc.) Each group came up with an hypothesis about what would happen to their assigned tank (Julia had the tank with the forest plants), and then they made daily observations and journaled about what they saw. Simultaneously, each student was assigned one animal or plant to research (Julia had damsel flies --- other kids had tadpoles, duck weed, snails, etc.). And they created wonderful displays of everything they learned. The kicker??? EVERYTHING IS IN SPANISH.....all the research, all the journals, all the displays.....and today, when the kids made their presentations and answered questions? ALL IN SPANISH. WOW!!!

So Julia tells me about this fair at 8:00 PM last night. I was surprised -- and have to work the next day. I tell her there is no way I can go on such short notice. She is disappointed, tells me how important this is to her, and offers to call my boss (!!) to ask him if I can go (she said -- "Your boss likes me -- he'll say yes if I ask!"). SO I went ahead and emailed the team to let them know I would be an hour late to was an hour very well spent! I am so impressed with these third graders!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ben and Friends Singing "Hey Jude!"

Big Weekend - Ben's Party

Big Weekend!

Tim playing the guitar on Sat night

Julia up in the balcony

Tim playing the guitar with Julie Porter, DRE looking on

View of the back of the church (First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Framingham ---

8th graders walking the labyrinth

We had a very fun, and very busy weekend! It was Tim's "Coming of Age" weekend at church, where the 8th graders are recognized for their accomplishments in the Religious Ed program and "graduated" to attending services with the adults. As part of the celebration, there was a worship service on Saturday night done by the kids --- a walk in the labyrinth during which the kids received letters written to them by their parents (in Tim's case, he got 5 letters!), a potluck dinner, and then e service in the church. Each of the kids writes a statement of what they believe about religion at this point in their life, and shares it with the group. They are quite remarkable and different -- from traditional monotheistic views of God, to agnosticism, atheism, and even anti-religion in general. On Sunday, the kids are recognized in front of the entire congregation, and again read their statements for everyone. It was a big deal! Tim even played his guitar for the Saturday evening service.......

On Sunday, we had a big party to celebrate Ben's 18th birthday! Karaoke on the porch, open hot tub, and lots of BBQ! There were probably 30+ people there --- mostly kids and teenagers. A lot of the kids came from the Senior Youth Group at church -- what a great group of kids! We also had quite a few friends and family members come by. It was our first big party in the house, and I think everyone had a terrific time!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I can't, I can't, I can't!!

Julia LOVES horseback riding....... but she has had a couple of falls in recent weeks, and is something of a drama queen these days. On the day of a recent horseback riding lesson, she had twisted her pinky finger playing with Tim (no sympathy from me - they were playing with Tim's toy handcuffs and I WARNED them...) Anyway, Julia complained and complained to her riding instructor about how much her finger hurt. I think she was hoping for sympathy or an easier lesson. Instead, her instructor said -- "Okay then - we'll work on balance and leg strength. No reins for this lesson, but you will still need to trot, post, work on diagonals, and your half seat". Julia protested bitterly -- "I can't, I can't! I'll fall! This is impossible..." And yet, in just seconds, you can see in the video what happened!

Here she is trotting, posting, changing diagonals.....and getting comfortable with "no hands"!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Our resident turkeys
Neighborhood turkeys in their full glory

Toby and Annie in the field

Toby on the trail

Annie and Me in the snow


Oh my goodness, is it ever cold this week!!!!! This morning (1/16) the thermometer in my car told me that it was minus-9 degrees (that is -9!!) at 7:30 AM. My hair froze solid as I took three minutes to take a few pictures (featured here!). The ones of the waterfall and pond are interesting....I know the water must be just over freezing (it is fast moving water). But in these sub-zero times, even FREEZING is enough heat to generate steam. Stay indoors, people! (Or at least DRY YOUR HAIR before venturing out.......)